söndag 15 januari 2012

Magnesium 12 Spokes

Arteries of light forming synchronous patterns in a fragile world unitized by jagged glissandos. Chaotic onslaughts of filthy religious sodomy and impulse public perversion. Parapet pigs on the outskirts of Stockholm are growling, slaughter by the seashore.

It’s easier to modify a plethora of philosophies from performances, than it is to change a plethora of performances from philosophies. It’s easier to recreate yourself into a new kind of thinking, than it is to rethink yourself into a new kind of creature.

As the living strive to preserve what the dead lost, an embassy’s raging through the shadows searching for its kingdom with the silhouette of a young girl dancing upon the beach at night. Sit back and swallow the horror watch the burning fireflies weightless quiver.

Eternal night penetrated by sadistic present, violet green lightening-bug vein filling heat. Play with the perverted puzzles; just remember to put the bits back in place.

One hundred pints of Guinness and one hundred borrowed tools and Beach Boys records played backwards before inspiration finally twirled itself into consistence.

Is knowledge a constant substance, is my mind expanding or is the world around it shrinking?

Is deconstruction the only way to construct? Is Ronnie Van Zant really from Florida?

10 kommentarer:

  1. sexy time in mag land, good clean job!

  2. Hey Nicke, wheel looks super sweet!!
    What bearings do you use and if I ever find a wheel like this could you help me set it up with bearings?

    1. I use 1967-72 'Harley' bearings, you can email me about the other stuff. Thanx.

  3. Splendid job 'ol chap. What about the timken bearings in one of the pictures?

    1. That's Timken bearing races that was pressed inside the wheel when I got it, they're for Anglia front spindles.

  4. Hows Supertuppen?? I miss that place bud!

  5. You make it all look so easy Nicke!

  6. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.

  7. very nice work... cool .. i in thoughts douing a wheel and my question is could i ask you to maybe send me picktures big size like those put on here of the wheel showing the full wheel and rim out side in side diameter of hub and length og spokes size of wheel. looking for picktures also of a rear wheel 5 wide 15 and 5 wide 16 inch if you maybe know any.. thanks for sharing your work .. greats from denmark, per nielsen
