tisdag 8 november 2011

The 2000 cc Knuckster

“Science is always discovering odd scraps of magical wisdom and making a tremendous fuss about its cleverness.”
― Aleister Crowley

Everything is a matter of proportion and perspective, nothing is abstract, there’s no such thing as abstract, there’s only limited perspectives. For example; Just recently scientists found out that Prime Numbers is not a random thing, they are connected in a pattern just like everything else in existence, it’s only that you need about 13 million decimals to detect this pattern, a perspective wide enough will foresee everything.

If it would be possible to examine the smallest particles; atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, and quarks with even greater precision, if science suddenly evolved rapidly during our lifetime, then maybe we could be able to examine particles with a precision many orders of magnitude beyond our present technological capacity.

And if so, I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubt we would find that each particle is really composed by millions and millions of tiny, infinitely thin beyond imagination one-dimensional oscillating filaments, and also that they are all connected in this dancing net-like pattern. I know this because I have seen these filaments, I am built by them and so are you and everything in between, around, before and beyond us.

And I believe ones the filaments are crossed together they become this infinite net of oscillating energies that you experience when you are in direct contact with the other side. Our time here and now is nothing but a fragment in the circle of circles of circles that creates nature, a fragmental contribution to the vibration of life, but important non the less.

Our whole lifetime is nothing but a fragmental part of this intergalactic multi-dimensional pattern of patterns that builds all existence in all space and time. All these countless elegant lines of glowing energy in constant movement giving birth to the great net of life. The day we learn to interpret the net of life all down through its infinite spectral transitions and parallel spirals in every dimension we will not only be able to foresee everything that is to come for all time right down through all anatomy, every vibration, beyond every atom and all DNA, but we will also be able to look back in time all the way back to the end.

This is not an estimation, this is something I guarantee you. And the day that happens there will be no more science, religion, pseudo-science, no more me and you, no more us and them, everything will just BE. Ok, so until next time; let’s have a beer, or start a religion, is there even a difference..?

9 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Nicke Crowley that's fucking brilliant!

  2. Looks great, what a monster. how will the carburetors work being angled like that?

  3. Thanx guys. The carburetors are both angled 14 degrees, one up and one down. Since they are sidefloat carbs with floats that pivots 'left to right' and not 'front to back' like a Linkert for example, they are not very sensitive to be mounted at an angle...

  4. ((When I say Linkert I mean the M74, M36 etcetera type))

  5. That shit's the truth. I got so "strung" out reading I didn't even notice the engine.

  6. That engine is so wonderful, it needs to be in my garage :-D

  7. In this trendy 'scene' where everyone seems to do the same thing over and over [read generator shovel] it sure is refreshing to see someone like you that cares about innovation.

  8. very cool, very kooky - if'n it runs as good as it looks you'll be a happy space cowboy

  9. So what happened to this engine? Any updates on the bike it went into?
