I want to thank everyone involved in The Bottrop Bike Show for inviting me, I'm so stoked and I'm gonna do my very best to finish the FLTT in time for this.
However, if I fail to get the bike done in time (and I do that alot) I figured I'll just bring The White Album - after all, that is the world's greatest album of all time - so that has to count as a solid plan B, right..?
Ok sorry, I need to go back to the garage now to finish plan A. And thanx again for the invite guys, it's gonna be a blast, I'm really looking forward to it.
See you there!
SvaraRaderaFor sure Chris, can't wait!
SvaraRaderaMother Superior jump the gun.
I suggest you wear a red rose so I can recognize you.
SvaraRaderasee you there my friend.
SvaraRaderaDean x