In the 1940’s and early 1950’s the Motor Company offered magneto chain drive setups for factory OHV racers, there where two different setups; Edison-Splitdorf magnetos and horizontal single-fire Wico magnetos.
This one will go in my latest semi-secret Knuckle project, and it sure seems a bit tricky to install. You need to drill, tap and plug the cases in several places, and also mill down bosses and ribs for chain clearance.
Then there’s no way to adjust the ignition after the cam cover is installed, you will have no generator and there will be no way to retard the ignition for starting, but hey!
That’s how they did it – Hank Williams had no iPod.
That’s how they did it – Hank Williams had no iPod.
Go back to McDonalds. Just kidding...I love you.